Monday, November 18, 2013

loading syringes

coronal polish 

a demo on Dexter

Nice pics from Kerri-Ann!

Hi it’s Rachel from the Broomfield location.
This is my first blog, and a lot has been going on in these past 4 weeks!  From making impressions to creating stone study models, to taking x-rays and polishing one another’s teeth!  It has been a most wonderful experience.  In 4 weeks we have learned so much and at times is has been a bit overwhelming, but our instructors, Steph and Allison, have really made this experience so worth every moment.  I can’t believe how far we have all come and yet there is so much more to learn.  Loving every minute of it! =)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Hi, it's kerri-Ann again from the Broomfield class giving a blog.

Week 5 is here & we're getting our hands dirty with x-rays & impressions! A little nerve racking I'll admit but my classmates are great. Everyone helps each other out with tips, encouragement & tons of patience since we work on each other. Between them & our incredible teachers I'm having the best experience ever!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Wow is all I can say... The amount of information that our instructors are giving us is overwhelming but really exciting at the same time. I never knew that I would know as much information that I do now and its only been 2 weeks. This week we practiced fluoride treatment on each other, what fun that was. I cannot wait to see what we will learn in week 3. As overwhelming all this is (like my instructor likes to say "Its like drinking from a fire hydrant")  we have a great group of people and 2 awesome instructors that are with us every step of the way and their a shoulder to lean on if any one of us ever need help. I have a good feeling about the rest of the session!
Stephanie Derengowski (Bloomfield)