The first day of school is officially in the books! We covered a ton of information today. Wow, a lot to absorb at once but fun at the same time. Joyce is truly a great instructor and I cant wait for lab on Thursday. First day and we learned to chart teeth. How exciting. This time will fly by so fast I can't wait for what is to come! Everyone seems very eager and nervous. Should be a fun term.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Almost done and kind-of sad
We are almost done with school and I have to say I am a bit sad. I came into this not expecting to meet such great women and learn so much. Monica, Katie and Shari, have been wonderful and not only were able to teach me the essentials of dental assisting, but so much more. Having these 3 women with 3 different dental backgrounds has brought a knowledge that surpassed my expectations. Katie taught us tricks ie.. to get good x-rays and help with patient comfort use their tongue as a cushion. I got a 99% on my fmx! Monica, has taught me more than any book ever could. I have my externship scheduled, I am so excited to go into the office. Thank you guys for all that you have given me, knowledge and confidence.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Getting Ready for the Final
Final is this coming Sunday and we have been working on completing out lab work as well as studying for the final. Judy and Amady have helped us so much. Thanks for staying each class until the last student has completed their work. Looking forward to the externship.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
South Denver Sunday Class
As the end of our school term approaches, our class has been preparing not only for the final, but for our externship as well. Again, Ben and Joyce have been invaluable in assisting us. Not only in giving us recommendations for dentists/offices to call, but also with some real-world tips so that we are as prepared as much as possible before walking into an office. I think we will all be more than prepared!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
South Denver Sunday Class
We've just passed the 6 week mark, and it's amazing at how far we've come. It was rocky at first - our first day of charting, we were completely overwhelmed and concerned. And now that we've mastered the first hurdle, we are no longer overwhelmed by the class matter at all, yet excited and curious at what we'll learn and conquer next. After just completing composites and amalgams...we are entering each new task head on, eager to learn and absorb what's next. Thanks completely to Joyce and Ben! Without them, we would undoubtably be lost in the realm of dental work!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Fort Collins Class
The Fort Collins class is always so much much fun! This last week we started X-Rays on top of everything else that we have learned! Abbi and Mari are a big help to all of us and we are learning so much! we all enjoy this class a lot and are looking foward to being able to actually work in the dental field! We are going to be starting our eighth week and are excited to see what else is going to be taught to us!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Class is going great
We have been working on bleach trays which is awesome! Everyone is so excited. On Sunday we learned how to assist doing a composite and an amalgam, it's a lot of work, but a big thank you to our wonderful teachers, Amady and Judy for helping us so much!
Class is going great and I know everyone is working hard
Monday, June 7, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
A week left!
It's hard to believe that the past 3 months have flown by. We only have three more classes left. Our final is on Thursday night, we have victim day and CPR Sunday, and our celebration of completing the class the next Thursday.
I have my externship on Wednesday, and as nervous as I am about it, I can't wait for it. It will be nice to be working in an office, even if it is for a short period of time. I am also looking forward to victim day. I will be bringing in a good friend, and I am excited to show off what I know and to practice everything again.
I have totally enjoyed this class and am glad I choose to do it. I have learned so much in the short amount of time. I can't wait to start my dental assisting career. Connie and Caidee have been amazing teachers and have made the class fly by. I will miss going to class and having fun!
Grand Junction
I have my externship on Wednesday, and as nervous as I am about it, I can't wait for it. It will be nice to be working in an office, even if it is for a short period of time. I am also looking forward to victim day. I will be bringing in a good friend, and I am excited to show off what I know and to practice everything again.
I have totally enjoyed this class and am glad I choose to do it. I have learned so much in the short amount of time. I can't wait to start my dental assisting career. Connie and Caidee have been amazing teachers and have made the class fly by. I will miss going to class and having fun!
Grand Junction
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Where Did The Time Go?!
I can't believe that our 12 weeks is almost up! We have learned and laughed so much in this short time. We are now coming to the end of our education and this weekend is Friends and Family day, and I'm really looking forward to that. I just can't say enough about my experience at CSDA, Monica and Katie have made learning so much fun!
Jenn DeMaria
Denver, CO
Jenn DeMaria
Denver, CO
Monday, March 29, 2010
Only a month left!
It's hard to believe that there is only a month left of class. In 4 weeks, we will be done with class and looking to start our careers as dental assistants! Yesterday we took our midterm! Everyone did a great job! Over the past couple weeks we've learned how to assist with an amalgam or composite filling. I feel more confident knowing that our instructors know their stuff and help us feel comfortable the first time we attempt our labs. We will be learning how to assist with crowns/bridges and taking impressions this week! I'm excited!
Once again, many thanks goes to Connie and Caidee for helping us each step of the way! And congrats to everyone in class for doing a fabulous job on the midterm!!
Grand Jct.
Once again, many thanks goes to Connie and Caidee for helping us each step of the way! And congrats to everyone in class for doing a fabulous job on the midterm!!
Grand Jct.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
So Excited to start my Dental Assisting Career!
I can't believe all of the stuff we have learned so far at the CSDA! We have great instructors Monica and Katie who make learning so much fun. We have four more weeks of class left and I really am so excited to start working in a dental practice, where I can apply all of the knowledge that I've gained. It's been such a wonderful experience and I recommend anyone seeking to start a career in dental assisting to attend the Colorado School of Dental Assisting.
Jenn DeMaria
Denver, CO
Jenn DeMaria
Denver, CO
Friday, March 26, 2010
We are now learning four handed dentistry. What fun it is, because it is all about team work. They call it the 'dance.' We will need lots of practice and I am sure we will get it in the coming weeks. We received sad news that Katie will not be attending graduation, but she will be in our hearts and prayers. The last days will not be the same without her. Get well soon Pink Shirt. We love you and look forward to our next dance!!!!!
-Mindy McCombs-
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Time Keeps Flying By!
Another week has come and gone. The past two weeks have been all about x-rays, sealants, fluoride treatments, and polishing. We took FMX (full mouth x-rays) and developed them, and also we did BWX (bite wing x-rays). I enjoyed taking the x-rays and then seeing the final product once they were developed. Sunday we learned how to polish teeth, do fluoride treatments, and place sealants. Getting used to holding the instruments correctly was a bit awkward at first, but by the end I felt comfortable knowing what I was doing. As always Connie and Caidee were helpful with everything!
This week we will be learning how to do composites and amalgams!
(I have some pictures that I will try and get put up soon!)
This week we will be learning how to do composites and amalgams!
(I have some pictures that I will try and get put up soon!)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Bleach Trays WOOO!
Today in class we made bleach trays. I'll have to say they are pretty fun to make I almost wanted to make them for the whole class. I am very happy that we have great instructors that care about how there students do. Every time I have needed help they are always willing to spend time with me to make sure I understand. I'll keep you updated on more cool stuff we will be doing....Stay toned....Till Next Time
Chastity ;)
Chastity ;)
Awesome job everyone, on the Mid-Term yesterday. We were all a little scared going into it, but soon realized that we know so much more than we think we do. The best part was studying in the Thursday night class, because we played Dental Jeopardy. What a great way to prepare for a test. Who won?? WE DID! That's because we all work so well together. Now on to the next chapters and the last 6 weeks....
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Another busy week. We finished pouring and trimming our models and taking and mounting X-Rays. We have the greatest class! Everyone is always helping each other out. We are learning about Medical Emergencies and preparing for Mid terms. Our next class will be an exciting time of showing what we have learned so far.
-Mindy McCombs-
Monday, March 1, 2010
CSDA Grand Junction
I'm Emilee from the Grand Junction location!
It's hard to believe that class started a month ago! The time has really flown by. We have a small class, only 7 of us. Our teachers, Connie and Caidee, are fabulous! We always have a great time, good laughs, and I am always looking forward to the next class.
In the past month, we have learned so much! From the history of dentistry the first day to charting yesterday, it keeps getting more interesting. This week we are learning about x-rays and how to take them.
Dental Assisting is more than I had first thought it to be, but I'm enjoying every minute of it.
I'm Emilee from the Grand Junction location!
It's hard to believe that class started a month ago! The time has really flown by. We have a small class, only 7 of us. Our teachers, Connie and Caidee, are fabulous! We always have a great time, good laughs, and I am always looking forward to the next class.
In the past month, we have learned so much! From the history of dentistry the first day to charting yesterday, it keeps getting more interesting. This week we are learning about x-rays and how to take them.
Dental Assisting is more than I had first thought it to be, but I'm enjoying every minute of it.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
It has been an interesting and busy week. We spent our days taking Alginate Impressions, pouring and trimming, learning about Rubber Dams and have moved on to Radiology. Everyone in the class has been so kind and they are all such great team players. Mid terms are already in one week. Time sure flies when you're having fun. -Mindy McCombs-
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Good morning all,
My name is Mindy McCombs, S. Denver location Sat/Thurs class.
Wow! We have learned so much in the past couple of weeks. Let me start by saying that I am very impressed by the character of Monica, Katie and Ben. In the short time we have been here, we have had lots of laughs and even more knowledge gained.
I have always been one to notice people's smiles, but now even more so. I must say that I am very proud to be a part of Dentistry, or when I fully become a part of it, I will be proud. Because what is better than helping people take care of their smiles? After all, a smile is what gives us our health and confidence, and our smiles last a lifetime.
-Mindy McCombs-
My name is Mindy McCombs, S. Denver location Sat/Thurs class.
Wow! We have learned so much in the past couple of weeks. Let me start by saying that I am very impressed by the character of Monica, Katie and Ben. In the short time we have been here, we have had lots of laughs and even more knowledge gained.
I have always been one to notice people's smiles, but now even more so. I must say that I am very proud to be a part of Dentistry, or when I fully become a part of it, I will be proud. Because what is better than helping people take care of their smiles? After all, a smile is what gives us our health and confidence, and our smiles last a lifetime.
-Mindy McCombs-
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
CSDA Denver Location!! week 3
Week 3 Preventative Dentistry, Alginate Impressions and Sealants.
Weeks after week, students at CSDA are keeping the momentum, studying hard and attending classes regularly. We all love our instructors (Monica and Kattie).
Preventative dentistry is a subject that students show what has gone right and wrong in the pass in our own tooth anatomy. Knowing from what we've learn from this chapters, made us to be aware of things we can do to achieve and maintain an optimum oral health for a life time.
Identifying the types of Dental diseases, their formation and how to care about these disease is very fascinating. Brushing, mouth rinsing, and flossing methodologies was an interesting exercises for students, hence its a daily routine for us like many others, knowing a better way to perform this task is great. Nutritional education is a key component in maintaining a good oral health and we are glad to know key ingredients that makes a good oral health.
The lab work for preventative dentistry was techniques of brushing, flossing, and tropical fluoride Gel or foam application .
Part of week three lectures was on Coronal polishing , fluoride, prophylaxis, sealants, and stains of teeth.
The lab works for these chapters was on Coronal polishing, Alginate impressions, sealants placement, rinsing and suctioning. Students have fun to do practice coronal polishing and to have a free polishing, free fluoride application. Thanks to the generosity of CSDA management. Below are pictures and videos from the lab exercises.
Mustapha Hydara
CSDA Student.
Mustapha is pouring!!
Weeks after week, students at CSDA are keeping the momentum, studying hard and attending classes regularly. We all love our instructors (Monica and Kattie).
Preventative dentistry is a subject that students show what has gone right and wrong in the pass in our own tooth anatomy. Knowing from what we've learn from this chapters, made us to be aware of things we can do to achieve and maintain an optimum oral health for a life time.
Identifying the types of Dental diseases, their formation and how to care about these disease is very fascinating. Brushing, mouth rinsing, and flossing methodologies was an interesting exercises for students, hence its a daily routine for us like many others, knowing a better way to perform this task is great. Nutritional education is a key component in maintaining a good oral health and we are glad to know key ingredients that makes a good oral health.
The lab work for preventative dentistry was techniques of brushing, flossing, and tropical fluoride Gel or foam application .
Part of week three lectures was on Coronal polishing , fluoride, prophylaxis, sealants, and stains of teeth.
The lab works for these chapters was on Coronal polishing, Alginate impressions, sealants placement, rinsing and suctioning. Students have fun to do practice coronal polishing and to have a free polishing, free fluoride application. Thanks to the generosity of CSDA management. Below are pictures and videos from the lab exercises.
Mustapha Hydara
CSDA Student.
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